Tackling the Leadership Race; Step by Step

Recently during a run, I looked up at this hill that was coming up that I’d done a thousand times and my mind just seemed to give up, even though my body felt fine. I found myself wondering if I should just stop because after the hill, there were more miles to conquer and I had more activities that required energy planned for the day … I almost convinced myself that I couldn’t go on when I heard a voice inside my head reminding me to run the mile I’m in and not focus on anything else.

In anything we do - running, work, our personal lives, it's all about embracing the present moment. Sure, acknowledging that there's a whole marathon ahead is crucial, but your focus shouldn't dwell on that when you're faced with an obstacle right in front of you.

This is something I work with my clients on all the time, it's tempting to get overwhelmed by the enormity of the journey. However, true endurance comes from tackling each challenge as it comes. It's about taking things one step at a time and breaking them down into manageable pieces.

Achieving success—whether it's completing a marathon or guiding a team—requires accumulating those small victories along the way. Setting small objectives as we progress keeps us moving forward and maintaining our enthusiasm. This approach helps us avoid the overwhelming feeling that can creep up on us if we only focus on the long road ahead without taking a moment to appreciate the milestones we achieve.

Much like running, leadership extends beyond crossing the finish line. It encompasses valuing every aspect of the journey. By focusing on attainable targets and approaching life's marathon one step at a time, you position yourself for a path defined by development, perseverance, and triumph. Don't waste your energy worrying about the distance ahead - concentrate instead on conquering the one you're currently facing.


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