Unveiling the Myth of One-Size-Fits-All: How I Found My Authentic Path to Success

When I launched my own business back in 2015, I recall being especially nervous about generating sales. Now, I wasn’t a total novice: I had experience nurturing warm leads and closing deals when I worked at a consulting company early in my career. The challenge was that I had no experience with lead generation.

For the first few years, it didn’t matter because my network led to plenty of referrals and opportunities. And those referrals led to more referrals and so forth. However, I knew I couldn’t rely on referrals alone. I had to figure out a way to generate my own leads.

So, I sought out the advice of others who had overcome this challenge, and several well-intentioned professionals provided me with their rinse-and-repeat formula for how they’d achieved success. They were full of sage advice like “take every meeting” or “turn a no into a yes.” One even went as far as to say, “I guarantee this will work for you!” I found myself driving all over the place to “network” and “meet” people who could open doors for me.

And after six months, I was completely exhausted and hadn’t generated a single lead. It finally dawned on me that other people’s formulas weren’t working for me when I was at lunch with a residential real estate broker who was wonderful but didn’t know what I did or how she could help me.

It was then that I realized that I had been doing it ALL wrong. I was trying to use other people’s formulas for success rather than figuring out my own. I had to discover how I could generate leads in a way that felt authentic to me.

And so, I set out to find my own way. I sought marketing partners who would truly understand me and help me capture my messaging in a way that felt authentic to me and worked in the marketplace. I developed buyer personas to hone in on the type of client that would benefit most from my coaching. And finally, I got very targeted about setting meetings to make sure I was being respectful of everyone’s time.

While this strategy took time and investment, I could feel it was right because the process was giving me energy. I started to have productive calls where I was comfortable with my messaging, and the buyers felt like it was a good use of their time, even if they weren’t ready to buy.

Eventually, this strategy paid off. While I still make tweaks to my approach to stay relevant and identify new targets, I am confident in my ability to sell and have been running a successful business for nine years now!

This was such an important reminder that the path to success is not paved – each of us must find our own way. There’s no formula and what works for one person won’t work for the other. In my opinion, that’s why so many companies struggle with leadership development programs. Generic programs have generic results. To grow as a leader, you need a program that is tailored to your specific growth areas.

That’s why I’ve created the modern leadership program. This 6-month program helps us diagnose what’s stopping you from getting the results and outcomes you want. While we use a framework to guide us, the program looks different for every leader going through it because each leader’s challenges are unique, and for them to have sustainable success, they must design and execute plays that are authentic to who they are and how they operate.

Want to learn more? Click here to get started today!


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